Friday, February 18, 2011

nxt- young adults and social change

The Generation That's Changing the World.  That is the cover of TIME magazine.  Young people are rising up in the Middle East to demand freedoms I've know my whole life.  These uprisings are occurring in areas where 50% of the population is under 30.  Experts are saying it is the rare convergence of youth and technology that has fostered this outraged majority to organize so quickly. It's lightening in a bottle; the ideological drive of a young adult and the ability to communicate instantly.  It is a game changer

As I reflect on that, I realize that Gen X, Y, and Z had that composition in the year 2000 here in America and what kind of changes have we made in the world?  Well I guess we fueled the technology that fueled the revolutions.  But we use them in the most narcissistic and self-gratifying ways. Will America's X, Y, and Z push for real change or will we leave it sitting on a shelf with a price tag or in an e-store ready for download?

I also wonder if America will miss the boat in future years as our population ages because of all of the unborn that could've been here but aren't? Bill Gates was20 when he founded Microsoft, and Facebook was founded by a 20 year old Mark Zuckerburg that continues to push the social media wave.  MLK Jr was 24 when he led his first boycott.  Jesus was 30 when he launched his public ministry.  Have we lost a visionary we never knew?  Will we lose our yearn for paradigm altering change?

Tonight my wife and I are hosting a group of young adults in our home for dinner.  Life questions followed up with biblical answers and capped off with desert is the usual menu.  I will purpose to challenge them to apply what is happening around them to our central commands to reach, teach, and love.  Revival; no thanks.  I'll take revolutionary change. An uprising of servants committed to living the Gospel.

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